Our Story

What startup story today does not start with ‘Once upon a time, there was a pandemic…’? Ours certainly does.
COVID-19 happened and with it, remote work. Then came macroeconomic headwinds and a transition to hybrid. The way businesses worked, handled data, and made decisions changed almost overnight. GTM approaches changed. Customers’ digital footprint got wider. Information poured in from an increasing number of sources.
Suddenly, the processes and dashboards of the past became inadequate. Data teams had to scramble to put things together, triangulate and make sense of disparate data sources, to help decision makers stay ahead.
One sunny afternoon in Chennai after the lockdowns eased, we—Vikas and Sentthil—both Freshwork alums, met over biryani at a Dindigul Thalappakatti. While swapping notes, we were surprised to see how aligned our thought processes were.
Both of us felt strongly that no firm, especially young and growing ones, should feel they’re flying blind amidst turbulence. We both agreed that a simple analytics tool that can turn data into value for firms of all sizes would enable them to not just survive, but thrive.
From that conversation, DataviCloud was born. Take a look around and please—leave your details; we’re always up for conversations on working in a data environment and building a data culture.